Airport CLI

CLI Airport tool

To view current wireless info:

$ airport -I
agrCtlRSSI: -56
agrExtRSSI: 0
agrCtlNoise: -96
agrExtNoise: 0
state: running
op mode: station
lastTxRate: 54
maxRate: 54
lastAssocStatus: 0
802.11 auth: open
link auth: wpa-psk
BSSID: 0:d1:d1:d1:d1:d1
SSID: myAccessPoint
MCS: -1
channel: 1

To scan for available APs:

indiver$ airport -s

            SSID BSSID             RSSI CHANNEL HT CC SECURITY (auth/unicast/group)
       HomeWWWrt 00:1d:1d:1b:1d:1d -53  1       N  -- WPA(PSK/TKIP/TKIP)
        CafeShop 00:1d:1d:19:19:19 -89  6       N  -- WEP